In May, 2009, one of our squadron mates was looking for a VP-18 cap and T-shirt and came up with these links:
And here's another company that offers a plain squadron number version and a T.
Also, a place for mugs, tote bags, etc.
Also I did obtain a ball cap with the VP-18 Patch. I took my patch pic file copy and sent it to this company who put it onto the ball cap. So they have the patch and I guess anyone could order it. You may want to put this URL up on the front page with the others.
VP-18 branded goods to order
These links were recommended by former squadron members over many years, and this website has not checked out the reliability of the references. This website receives no commission (ever !!) However, please let us know if you have any problems and we will remove the link.
He had originally ordered the minimum of a dozen of these large custom-made patches. In 2011 he ordered a new supply and they are for sale from him for his $28 cost, plus $2 shipping.
Hello Richard .....June 23, 2012
Would you edit the notice about the P2V patch on the VP-18 web site? I still charge $28.00 + $2.00 shipping for one patch but now I added a new pricing change. $50.00 with free shipping for two of the patches. Along with the "P2V Neptune" I now offer a patch that lists the Neptune as a "P2 Neptune". I've had quite a few VP veterans who served after the Navy dropped the manufacturers designation ask me to to offer a patch that way.
Also, could you add a picture of the patch of my flight jacket with the patch on the back?
Bob Neu